Android phones from Japan (Infobar C01) - When the Japanese also are avid Android. KDDI (Japan's second largest operator) set up five new Android products. one Android phone with cute design and colorful.
The phone is presented with the name Infobar C01. do not be fooled by its name that it's stiff and formal. Android phones from Japan (Infobar C01) have a display tyang sweet. from the physical looks only, Infobar C01 has a keypad with alternating colors like a chessboard and webbing. Color selection is quite diverse, ranging from the black-white, red-white-blue, and yellow-white-gray.
Android phones from Japan (Infobar C01) is like a glimpse of the colorful candy taped on a phone. Android phones from Japan (Infobar C01) is attractive because it has a user interface of Android makeovers. from the photos displayed TechCrunch, appears between the Infobar muyka tile unique and uses Android 2.3 as basically. Android phones from Japan (Infobar C01) will appear in Japan in February 2012.